Common Types of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders

If reading this, you might already know that Circadian Rhythm sleep disorders are a group of sleep disorders sharing the common feature of a disruption in the timing of sleep. These sleep disorders involve either difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the sleep cycle or waking up too early, and being unable to fall back to sleep.

To stand a better chance of preventing or treating Circadian Rhythm, it pays off to better understand the type you’re coping with in the first place. The type you may have is based on your pattern of sleep and wakefulness. Below are the common Circadian Rhythm sleep disorder types you should know about.

Advanced Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder

With this type of sleep disorder, you fall asleep in the early evening (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.) and wake up in the wee hours of the morning (2 a.m. to 5 a.m.). It is also common to find patients complaining of early morning awakening or insomnia, and is sleepy in the later afternoon or early evening.

Bear in mind Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder is commonly seen in the middle age and older adults. Moreover, there is a good chance it may run in families. Based on what it does, ASWPD can interfere with work, schools, or your social responsibilities.

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Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder

This is by far one of the most common Circadian Rhythm sleep disorder you may cope with. If having this sleep disorder, you may fall asleep later than you would normally prefer and then find it difficult to wake up on time in the morning. DSWPD often interferes with work, school, or social responsibilities. After all, you may get too little sleep, which can lead to daytime tiredness or anxiety.

Jet Lag Sleep Disorder

With jet lag Circadian Rhythm sleep disorder, you body’s internal clock is disturbed from long air travel time to a destination that is two or more time zones different from what you’re accustomed to. This disruption in your sleep-wake cycle makes it difficult to adjust and function effectively in the new time zone.

Other common types of Circadian Rhythm sleep disorders you should look into include; irregular sleep-wake rhythm disorder, shift work disorder, and Non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome. Ensure you clearly understand the signs each type of Circadian Rhythm sleep disorder depicts, and seek lifestyle changes or medical attention when suspecting to have one.